When shopping for a copy machine in Anchorage, AK, it’s important to find a model that offers all of the functionality and features that your office needs. Every business has different priorities when it comes to their copier’s usage, so you need to do a close comparison of many models to find one that aligns with your unique priorities. This blog will give you a close look at a copier that’s popular in many offices—the Konica Minolta Bizhub C360i. Keep reading to find out if it might be the right model for your office.
A Look at the Features
The BizHub C360i is a combination printer, scanner, and copier. This allows this single machine to deal with virtually all of your document-based needs. Whether you’re digitizing old paperwork or putting together booklets for a presentation, it can get the job done for you. Here are some of the key features of this machine:
10.1-inch, fully customizable touchscreen
User-friendly interface that mimics smartphone screens
WorkPlace Hub integration
2 paper trays holding up to 500 pages each (larger-capacity trays available as an add-on)
Internal stapler that can staple stacks of up to 50 sheets
2- and 3-hole punch available as an add-on
Saddle-stitch booklet finisher available as an add-on
Ability to scan documents to email, USB, user box, and 5 other locations
Scans can be output as PDF, compact PDF, JPEG, TIFF, or XPS format
Functional as a fax machine
8 GB of memory
ISO 15408 certified and GDPR compliant
Real-time virus scanning of sent and received documents available through optional add-on
And more
This machine is less of a copy machine and more of a digital secretary. Whatever you need done with your documents, the BizHub C360i has the ability to do it.
The Benefits
We could list all of the features here once again, as each and every one of them is an excellent benefit for your office. But, suffice it to say that this machine is incredibly intelligent and its use is simple and intuitive, your employees will be able to navigate its interface quickly, improving productivity—and the ability to print between 25 and 36 pages a minute won’t hurt your productivity either!
With speed, efficiency, a wide range of functionalities, and exceptional security, the BizHub C360i won’t disappoint.
The Drawbacks
Of course, this machine isn’t for everyone. Because of the huge range of functionalities built into this one device, it’s quite a large machine, so it won’t work well if you have limited space for a copy machine. The price range runs between $11,000 and about $16,000 depending on add-ons, which is more expensive than some simpler options, so it may be a bit pricy for smaller businesses with a smaller budget.
Is It Right for You?
Now that you know a bit more about the BizHub C360i, it’s time to ask yourself whether or not it’s the right machine for you. Of course, when you see that list of incredible features and the wide range of functionality it can offer, you might be tempted to jump at the opportunity to get the “latest and greatest” in your office.
However, if you have a smaller office or a limited budget, you need to carefully consider whether you genuinely need all that the BizHub C360i has to offer. If your document needs are limited to simple printing, copying, and scanning, then you can likely find a smaller machine at a lower price that will meet your needs. On the other hand, if you’re a large business that is frequently turning out booklets, printing flyers, receiving faxes, and scanning in files, the BizHub C360i may be exactly what you need.
Whether the BizHub C360i is exactly what you’re looking for or not, contact Arctic Office Products. We can help you select the perfect model of BizHub C360i with all the add-ons you need. Or, we’ll help you find a different model of printer-scanner-copier in Anchorage, AK, that better suits your needs. Contact us today!