The world as a whole is becoming increasingly digital. Photos are uploaded more often than they’re developed. Money is sent with a tap or a swipe rather than cash or check. Data is stored in the cloud instead of in filing cabinets. This is just as true in the business world, which leaves many business owners wondering if they need to invest in business printers in Anchorage, AK. If documents are all digitized, and transactions are all paperless, what point is there to having a printer in your office? Keep reading to learn five reasons why you still need a printer for your small business.
Not All Customers Are Paperless
Even if your office strives to be completely paperless, that doesn’t mean that all of your customers are going the same route. For example, let’s say that your landscaping company has committed to going paperless. So, when you bill your clients at the end of the month, you send a PDF invoice via email. However, some of your customers are more technology averse than you are, and they rarely check their email. Pretty soon, their bill will be late, leaving you with disruption to your company’s cash flow and your customer with frustrating late fees.
While paperless might be the future, many customers still prefer paper transactions. It would be best to make this option available to those who need it. By having a printer in the office, you can allow your customers to choose whether they want invoices and other documents sent to them digitally or a physical copy sent in the mail. Catering to your customers’ preferences keeps them happy and helps you avoid missed communication with your clients.
Hard Copies Are a Good Backup
When you store your documents digitally, it’s vital that you have those documents backed up to a secondary, remote location. If you’re committed to a paperless office, this should be something that you have set up so that documents are backed up automatically. A corrupted hard drive could wipe out hundreds of necessary documents without it.
In addition to having a secondary digital backup of all digitized documents, you should consider having hard copy backups of a few select document types. Naturally, you don’t want to keep hard copies of everything. However, storing hard copies of certain documents that contain important personal and company data could be useful. This might include accounting documents, employee paperwork, company policies, and other types of information that you can’t afford to lose. Having a printer allows you to quickly create that hard copy and file it away for safekeeping when you receive a new document that you want to keep a hard copy of.
The Power of a Physical Copy
It’s worth pointing out that there is still measurable value in holding a physical copy sometimes. The tactile experience of having something you can physically hold, touch, and mark up is essential in certain situations. For example, if you’re holding a meeting where you would like people to discuss a new product actively, you might want to pass out physical copies of the product design rather than simply displaying it on a screen. This allows people to look at their copies, make notes on the paper, and be more engaged in the discussion.
We all know just how many things can demand your attention on a computer screen: an email notification, chat popup from a coworker, and even simply the temptation to check social media are all built into those devices. Now, you might be thinking, “What if I just let them look at a digital mockup on their laptops, tablets, or phones?” While that’s certainly a possibility, do you want to bring that level of distraction into the conference room? Paper copies help keep everyone focused on the task at hand.
Additionally, recent studies have shown that reading a physical copy of a text can help you to better retain the information it contains. Scientists believe this is because print provides sensorimotor cues that enhance cognitive processing. Essentially, the physical sensation of holding a packet of papers and turning the pages provides your brain with reminders and cues about how many pages you’ve read and how many are left. By engaging more senses simultaneously, your brain can process the information more effectively. So if you want people to engage with and retain the data they’re reading truly, a physical copy can help—and so can a printer.
Physical Mail Can Be Appreciated
It used to be that receiving something in the mail was pretty standard. Now, it’s your email inbox and your text messages that are flooded daily, and your mailbox remains relatively empty. This makes receiving a physical letter from someone feels special. There is simply something more personal about sending a card or letter to your customers, thanking them for their business. It’s a nice touch that can show appreciation and improve customer loyalty.
You might consider sending a letter out to each customer a few times a year. These can be form letters, but it’s the gesture of printing them out, signing them, and sending them in the mail that makes them feel more personalized. You can send letters on their birthday, on their anniversary of becoming a client, or on other important holidays. Either way, having a printer that can not only print out those letters but address the envelopes as well can save your office staff a lot of time with writing it all out by hand!
Don’t Limit Your Reach
Finally, it’s worth noting that print is still a valuable marketing tool. While most consumers search online for goods and services, you can still make initial contacts and connections with print media. This might include passing out brochures at a trade show, sending out mailers, or hanging up flyers on community bulletin boards. Either way, you’re going to need a printer to make them.
So, we’ve established that you do still need a business printer for a business in Anchorage, AK. Now, it’s time to find the right one! Contact Arctic Office Products to find the suitable machine for your office today.